Working for the long-term

One of my dreams is to get this blog moving, to find my direction and my passion while writing it and achieving success through it.

I understood something lately that made me feel better and calmer about life in general.

It takes time.

You have to take your time and plan for the long term. Plan to be the next best example of something or someone you already know and look up to. Or just anything you want to be.

Just thinking about planning 10 years forward makes me feel like I have time. It takes the weight off my shoulders and actually makes me want to start doing things instead of procrastinating. It surprised me because I thought it would be the other way around.

Try to imagine who do you want to be in 20 years, and then start working every day for that purpose, little by little, the failure will scare you less, and every little step will seem like just another good step in the right direction, without seeing the full picture yet. It will make you put less pressure on each thing you do right now because it’s just another step for the long term.

For me, it took a bit of the pressure off, which made me actually work more and not less.

So keep going in your direction, and I’ll keep sharing my progress – real stuff and real tried advice and tips about searching for your passion.

What did you think about it? did it ring any bells? have you tried it and did it work?

I’d love to hear from you,

CoffeenGlam 🙂

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